
Learn About the Oceans with these Podcasts

Today, June 8th is celebrated World Ocean’s Day.

This important day was established to celebrate our connection to the sea and with the intent to raise awareness about the various dangers it faces, like pollution, over-fishing, and much more.

Every year the celebrations of World Ocean’s Day revolve around a certain theme, this years theme is “Our Oceans, Our Future” and will focus on plastic pollution prevention and cleaning the ocean of marine litter.

This big blue blanket has been of extreme importance through all Man’s History and its importance should be celebrated by everyone across the globe.

One of the ways you can celebrate this day is by learning more about the oceans, and for that, we have two podcasts that we think might be just right for it.

Check out other Science Podcasts that you might like here.

Giu 08, 2017
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